Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Technological Disconnect - Trying to save my soul for Technology

I am a technology addict, like much of society.  I have my smart phone, my tablet, and multiple computers.  I use them all daily, often obsessively.  As time has gone by and technology has become more and more a part of our lives, I have been left wondering exactly what the true cost of all of this has been to us personally and as a society.  I intend this blog to be a discussion on technology, and how to get back your life.

When I was younger I liked many things.  I played sports a lot.  Today it is a chore to get enough people together for an activity.  I used to read books all the time.  Today I would rather mindlessly read internet articles.  I had ambitions of being an author.  Now I cannot keep my attention on writing long enough to accomplish anything.

I feel I have lost my intelligence, creativity, and ability to relax.  Its time to take some of that back.

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